MAKE $3,000 to $10,000 with a Comedy Fundraiser

We now have 2 fun options! See full breakdown below.

Option #1:

Cost $1800 for Fri ( $1900 for Sat ) plus tip ( tax included )

Gross Estimated Revenue - $5,425

125 tickets at $25 = $3,125 (each ticket includes one beer or wine)

Baskets and Raffles = $2,000*

Food = $300**

*Baskets and Raffles - we have done over 1,000 of these and have found that $20 per person is a fair average. Some spend more, some less, but we like to keep the average at $20 per at only 100 people.

**Food - Featuring Mattina's Pizza, burgers, salads and nachos.



  • 125 Tickets to a specific night
  • 125 Drink tickets (one beer or wine per person)
  • All your raffle needs (just bring baskets)
  • 3 baskets to help

Option #2:

Cost $1900 for Fri ($2000 for Sat) plus tip ( tax included )

These shows take place in our Theater- We provide you with 250 tickets. These sell for $20 to $25 each but does NOT include a drink. The food is limited to concession food featuring Mattina's Pizza.

20% of all food and rink sales will go back to your group

Gross Estimated Revenue- $10,750

250 tickets at $25 = $6250
Baskets and Raffles- $4000- ( Est 200 people @ $20 )
We supply all your basket and 50/50 tickets, along with 3 baskets

Food and Drink- ($500 ) -Est off average sales figures

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